1. Scope of application
ZESTECH has always been committed to the principle of integrity and actively protects the legitimate rights and interests of users. In order to continue to create a fair and just trading environment and maintain a healthy and orderly market order on the platform, after verification of the improper trading behavior found on the platform or the reported information about improper trading received , will be dealt with seriously in accordance with the relevant provisions of these rules.
2. Definition
Improper trading refers to intentionally concealing the real situation, uploading false information on the platform, making others misunderstand, or obtaining improper benefits and using the platform to conduct improper transactions without the purpose of real trading.
3. Main violations
1. Credit and sales hype
(1) Circumventing or maliciously using platform rules and other improper means to obtain false product sales, transaction volume, product reviews, transaction amount, website transaction points or credit accumulation and other improper interests;
(2) There is an unreal buyer's payment behavior, such as the seller's own registration or manipulation of other accounts (such as hype gang accounts, relatives and friends accounts, company colleagues' accounts, etc.) to purchase products released by themselves, or the seller uses its own funds to pay for orders, etc. Buying and selling behavior.
2. The logistics information is false, or unreasonable logistics information is provided without reasonable correlation or reasonable explanation
(1) Provide false or unreasonable logistics information without reasonable connection or reasonable explanation;
(2) The order logistics information is false or has no actual relationship with the order, such as the product delivery or receipt certificate provided by the seller is forged, altered, synthesized, or a single number is used repeatedly, or the logistics information cannot be queried or does not exist, etc. ;
(3) Providing documents related to order fulfillment does not meet the relevant requirements of laws and regulations or ZESTECH, such as forgery, fraudulent use of import and export customs declaration materials, etc.;
(4) False shipments.
3. The price is unreasonable
The price of the ordered product is obviously different from the reasonable market price of similar products, and there is an abnormally high or abnormally low situation, such as a $1 computer.
4. Fund transactions that are not for the purpose of real transactions
(1) Failure to perform the contract in receipt of foreign exchange (unable to prove that the goods are out of the country, non-delivery without reasonable reasons, or false delivery);
(2) The country of the payer is inconsistent with the export destination country and the location of the consignee of the corresponding transaction order, and cannot provide a reasonable explanation or cooperate with the original way to return the exchange. 
5. False transactions
(1) The buyer and the seller make false shipments or no shipments without real transactions, in order to achieve illegal transactions for the purpose of transfer, cash out, money laundering, fraud, etc.;
(2) Acts of receiving, paying or withdrawing funds through platform channels through fictitious orders;
(3) Fraudulently obtain transaction payments by publishing or providing false or seriously inconsistent information on goods, services or logistics;
(5) Other suspected false transactions that are determined by ZESTECH to conduct transactions by fictitious or concealing the background of real transactions that are not for the purpose of real transactions.
6. Other behaviors that ZESTECH has reasonable grounds to identify as improper transactions. 
4. Penalties and Procedures
1. For users who are judged by ZESTECH to have improper trading behavior, the corresponding rights and interests of the user will be cancelled, and according to the severity of the situation, measures including but not limited to deduction of points, prohibition of placing orders, prohibition of receiving foreign exchange, and restricting participation in all ZESTECH marketing activities. control measures.
2. For users who intentionally or maliciously evade the platform’s rules, repeatedly offend, refuse to rectify, or violate multiple rules at one time, they will be punished more severely.

3. If the circumstances of the improper transaction are serious, or provide services, convenience or assistance for others to carry out improper transactions, or the investigation finds major violations or suspected violations of laws and crimes, ZESTECH reserves the right to take action against illegal users except for permanent non-cooperation. This includes the right to sue, refer to judicial authorities, or report to a supervisory authority.

4. For users identified by ZESTECH as suspected of false transactions, the account will be punished for never cooperating.
5. Specific penalties:
serial number
specific situation
● During a certain period, if it is identified that there is an improper transaction, it will refuse to cooperate with the rectification according to the seriousness of the case and whether there are repeated violations after being punished by the platform for improper transactions, or deliberately or maliciously evading the rules; at the same time; Corresponding penalties will be imposed on the basis of whether rectification is actively carried out, the improper profit is refunded actively or cooperatively, and the funds received in foreign exchange without a real transaction background are actively or cooperatively handled.
● 6 points deduction + ban on participating in marketing activities for 90 days + ban on placing orders for 30 days (credit guarantee + one-touch);
● 24 points deduction + 180-day ban on participating in marketing activities + 90-day ban on placing orders (credit guarantee + one-touch) or 90-day ban on receiving foreign exchange;
● Deduct 48 points + close account / never cooperate
● During a specific period, it is identified that there is a false transaction;
● Or, during the investigation of improper transactions, it is found that there is active participation or knowingly assisting others to conduct improper transactions or providing services and convenience for others to conduct improper transactions;
● Or, involving violations of relevant national laws and regulations
● Deduct 48 points + close account / never cooperate
6. Punishment process
(1) ZESTECH proactively identifies improper trading behavior;
(2) Notify customers of specific information and punishment results by email or other means, and at the same time temporarily cancel the corresponding rights and interests of customers, and open a channel for the punished users to provide evidence and appeal;
(3) Penalized users can submit corresponding materials to appeal within 9 natural days from the date of receiving the notification of improper trading violations issued by the system;
(4) ZESTECH will complete the review of the appeal materials within 7 natural days;
(5) According to the audit results, if the customer's evidence is valid, the relevant rights and interests of the customer will be restored; if the evidence is invalid, punishment will be imposed in accordance with the relevant provisions of these rules. (The platform reserves the right to the final judgment result)
5. Other
1. ZESTECH has the right to revise these rules in a timely manner according to the adjustment of laws and regulations, changes in the business environment and other factors and publicize them. The revised rules will take effect after the expiration of the publicity period.
2. These rules are an integral part of the rules issued by ZESTECH. If the content of these rules is inconsistent with other rules issued by ZESTECH, these rules shall prevail. For matters not covered in these rules, other rules issued by ZESTECH shall prevail.


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ZESTECH are always insist on these codes of conduct: Benevolence, Righteousness, Manners, Wisdom, Faith. Keeping forging ahead and surpassing. Stick to the business philosophy to let customers, partners, shareholders and employees earn money. and to create a world famous automotive brand in the next ten years.


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